I should add one important point. When the error occurs, it is most often not affecting the entire site nor transaction. This is to say that I can visit a site, get content, and then at some point fill out a form on the site, which then generates the 502. I don't want anyone to assume that the 502 is being generated because of an obvious path connectivity error where the site being surfed was down all along.
I should also not that I am not running any unique refresh patterns in the squid.conf. -----Original Message----- From: Ritter, Nicholas [mailto:nicholas.rit...@americantv.com] Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 11:16 AM To: squid-users@squid-cache.org Subject: [squid-users] squid 3.1 (w/ TPROXY/WCCP) and increased 502 and 206 codes I am doing extended testing of a CentOS v6 TPROXY/SQUID3/WCCP setup and I noticing higher than usual TCP_MISS/502 codes. I am also seeing some 206 codes, but it is the 502s that are much higher than normal. I think it is transport related inside the TPROXY/SQUID side of things but I am not sure. I am seeing the 502 codes on both gets and posts. Can anyone provide more insight on this condition and what/where I should start troubleshooting? I am running the stock CentOS v6 kernel (2.6.32-71.29.1) and Squid 3.1.10 as package by RHEL 6 (specifically a RHEL 6 rebuilt source rpm of squid-3.1.10-1.el6. Should update to the more recent release of squid 3.1 as a starting point? Nick