On Wed, 7 Sep 2011 12:22:21 +1000, John Kenyon wrote:
Hi All,

I was wondering if someone can shed some light on cache peers with a
sibling relationship?

I have 3 x squid boxes (running 3.1.15) for my web proxy
(WP01,WP02,WP03) and am wanting to setup a sibling relationship
between them. The following is an example config I have on WP01:

icp_access allow local_network
icp_access deny all
cache_peer wp02.example.com sibling 8008 3130 proxy-only
cache_peer wp03.example.com sibling 8008 3130 proxy-only

The access.log reveals the caches are sending ICP queries, however I
am getting the following problem:

1315349802.582      0 UDP_DENIED/000 40 ICP_QUERY
http://ebay.com.au/ - NONE/- -

And also this in the cache.log file:

2011-09-07 08:29:13.763654500 2011/09/07 08:29:13| 95%% of replies
from ' wp02.example.com' are UDP_DENIED
2011-09-07 08:29:13.763656500 2011/09/07 08:29:13| Disabling '
wp02.example.com', please check your configuration.

It appears I am missing some configs regarding icp or peer access?

Open "icp_port 3130" to receive the packets.


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