On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 00:30:01 +0200, John Kimble wrote:
Hi all,

My cache file is getting too big (250mb) so it becomes really hard to
view the log file.

I tried to rotate is using " Squid -k rotate" but it does nothing to
either the cache.log or access.log. I read about using debug_options
rotate=n but not sure how this directive will work. Does "n" means the
number of cache.log that squid will keep?


Yes rotate=n in 3.2 limits cache.log, if it should be smaller than access.log.

logfile_rotate sets for all logs, the number to keep of each file output.

If you are using a pre-packaged squid it is likely the distributor has set it to 0 and integrated with whatever OS log management is available.

Question is though why your cache.log is getting so big in the first place. It should only have rare messages about serious problems.


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