On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 6:24 PM,  <michael_gra...@cadc.uscourts.gov> wrote:
> I'm running Squid 3.1.15 on a server with 24GB of RAM. The OS is SUSE Linix
> 11 SP1 64bit. If I change the cache_mem higher then 512, I get the below
> results. If I leave it at 512, everything is normal. I tried 1024 MB and up
> to 4096 MB with the same results below. Any ideas?
> Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
>                 Total space in arena:  -1857900 KB
>                 Ordinary blocks:       -1872592 KB  11357 blks
>                 Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
>                 Holding blocks:          5580 KB      6 blks
>                 Free Small blocks:          0 KB
>                 Free Ordinary blocks:   14692 KB
>                 Total in use:          -1867013 KB 101%
>                 Total free:             14693 KB -1%
>                 Total size:            -1852320 KB
> Memory accounted for:
>                 Total accounted:       2092941 KB -113%
>                 memPool accounted:     2092941 KB -113%
>                 memPool unaccounted:   -3945261 KB 0%
>                 memPoolAlloc calls: 178265008
>                 memPoolFree calls:  178851419

Simply 32-bit counters rolling over.
Nothing to worry about, it's aesthetic only.


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