From: Christian Zink <>

> #external_acl_type ldap_group %LOGIN /usr/lib64/squid/squid_ldap_group -H 
> ldap:// -v 3 -b ou=groups,dc=drv,dc=drv -f (&(memberuid=%u)(cn=%g)) 
> -D uid=digestreader,dc=drv,dc=drvĀ -W 
> "/etc/squid/digestreader_cred"external_acl_type ldap_group children=1 
> %LOGIN /usr/lib64/squid/test.shacl ldap_download external ldap_group 
> downloadacl 
> ldap_browse external ldap_group browse
> ...
> The Problem:
> Squid doesnt talk to the Helper Processes!

Did you comment (#...) the external_acl_type line just for this post or is it 
really commented?
Where do you use the 'ldap_group' acl you just created...?


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