On 20/12/2011 9:35 p.m., Henrik Nordström wrote:
mån 2011-12-19 klockan 23:53 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:

Do you have a trace from this server when requesting something from the
login-required area of the site?
If the requested URL contains login credentials then anonymous FTP login
SHOULD NOT be attempted.


Sorry. My brain seems to have died :( see the src/ftp.cc checkAuth() function for reality.

Default is username "anonymous" with password from config file (default "Squid@"). Which gets overridden by HTTP Basic auth headers (if any). Which then gets overridden by URL details (if any).

The final result of all that merging is what gets sent to the server in a single USER command. (I was thinking of it incorrectly as the order of several USER commands)


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