On 21/12/2011 6:30 p.m., Girish Dudhwal wrote:

Greetings Squid team. I am stuck on squid situation. actually while
using gmail using as SSL version it's browsing data is too much for
our server as we have limited bandwidth. we are using a squid 2.7
stable version. so can you suggest me any way to force gmail to load
basic HTML view so that browsing data could be reduced.  Kindly reply
ASAP. as this has become a serious matter for our network bandwidth.

Switching traffic from secured to non-secured is not the right solution for this. And 2.7 is not capable of the ssl-bump feature for caching of encrypted contents.

With your current Squid version you are best to use the operating system QoS functionality on port 443 traffic speed and inform your users that they should use http://gmail.com to get faster access. Squid can send tcp_outgoing_tos values on gmail requests for QoS policy to work with.


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