On Jan 10, 2012, at 9:46 AM, Babelo Gmvsdm wrote:

> I checked the premissions on /var/logs/squid3/, where everything is owned by 
> proxy:proxy (access.log, cache.log etc...)
> I ran the squid3 -k rotate, the rotations worked well anyway.
> One more thing when the Pc which host the squid, use itself as a proxy, the 
> access.log populate

Sounds similar to what i was doing last week with OSX 10.6. I had to modify the 
Kernel to allow communication between en0 and en1. I had to enable " 
Ipforwarding " on the system to operate in transparent mode. I also had to turn 
ip scope routing off also.

> So the squid app seems to work properly, it seems the problem come from the 
> iptables which not redirect to the squid.
> On more thing I don't know why but a ps aux | grep squid give this:
> root      1456  0.0 0.1 43176 1732  ?      Ss Jan09 0:00 /usr/sbin/squid3 -YC 
> -f /etc/squid3/squid.confproxy    1465  0.0 1.6 80284  17172  ?   S Jan09  
> 0:27 (squid)  -YC -f  /etc/squid3/squid.conf
> Do you know why I have 2 squid processes? (i have installed squid3, just with 
> an "apt-get install squid3" )
> cheers
> HerC.
> ----------------------------------------
>> From: hercul...@hotmail.com
>> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
>> Subject: Squid as Network Monitor
>> Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 12:37:20 +0100
>> Hi,
>> I have built a machine with a Squid, with lightsquid, and i would like to 
>> use it just like a network monitor.
>> So I plugged the ETH1 of  the PC on a cisco switch on a port that received 
>> each traffic send to the internet.
>> the squid is started. (transparent mode)the ip forward is set to 1I have put 
>> this iptables rule: iptables -t nat - A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 
>> -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128
>> but the access.log does not populate, whereas on Ntop, on the same machine, 
>> I see a lot of traffic (http)
>> Something weird is the command iptables -L -t nat -v , shows no match for 
>> the rule created.
>> First I think that ntop could intercept the traffic, but stopping it did not 
>> helped?
>> Thanks for your future help.
>> Herc.

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