On 12.01.2012 14:32, berry guru wrote:
That is an awesome command to know!  I definitely need to remember
that command.  Here is my cleaned up configuration -

auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth -R -b
"dc=cyberdyne,dc=local" -D
"cn=Administrator,cn=users,dc=cyberdyne,dc=local" -w "passwordhere" -f
sAMAccountName=%s -h

That should be a single line. Is it actually spread over multiple in your squid.conf? that may be the problem right there.

auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm CYBERDYNE.LOCAL
auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 minutes
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl purge method PURGE
acl intranet dstdomain cyberdyne-intranet

The above will only match invalid URLs which start with "http://cyberdyne-intranet/";. If the client does the right thing and adds .local or some other internal domain FQDN suffix this ACL will fail.

You should have a proper domain name for internal use in both clients and configs like this (ie cyberdyne.local is a valid FQDN).

acl lan-intranet dst
http_access allow intranet
acl block_websites dstdomain .facebook.com .myspace.com .twitter.com

same wrap problem for this one.

http_access deny block_websites
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow purge localhost
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow all

Er. not good, for two reasons.

 1) "all" means the entire Internet.

2) this sits before any proxy_auth ACLs are tested (dont see one below either). Which means your auth will never happen.

Exactly what access control policies is this config meant to be enforcing?

icp_access allow localnet
icp_access deny all
http_port 3128
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
 debug_options ALL,0,1,34,78

Your Squid version does not accept config lines indented with whitespace like that. The debug_options directive takes a series of number *pairs* as in: section,level section,level section,level
 eg debug_options ALL,0 1,?? 34,?? 78,??

level 1-6 cover most useful debug info when you need a details action report.

  TAG: log_fqdn on

That is a piece of documentation. Check that it is not actually in your file.

refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0
refresh_pattern (Release|Packages(.gz)*)$       0       20%     2880
refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320
acl shoutcast rep_header X-HTTP09-First-Line ^ICY.[0-9]
upgrade_http0.9 deny shoutcast
acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
broken_vary_encoding allow apache
visible_hostname Squid
dns_defnames on
  TAG: dns_nameservers

same as above.

hosts_file /etc/hosts
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid


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