On 20/02/2012 17:59, Fried Wil wrote:
the simple way is to use a redirection page on the ows web server.
change the index.html page on the "/" .
some sources for that:

Hello Guys,

I'have a problem with a Squid 3.1.6 as reverse proxy for an exchange
usage ... (rpc not compatible with apache2). I would  like  to redirect
the "/" to "/owa". How can i do that ? thx guys

This is my configuration of squid.conf just for OWA Access.

https_port SQUID_IP:443 accel cert=/etc/squid3/external_webmail.crt
key=/etc/squid3/server.key defaultsite=webmail.domain.foo

cache_peer IP_EXCHANGE_SERVER parent 443 0 no-query originserver
login=PASS ssl sslcert=/etc/squid3/EXCHANGE_server.pem
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=exchangeServer

acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/.*$
acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/rpc.*$
acl url_allol url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/exchange.*$
acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/exchweb.*$
acl url_allow url_regex -i
acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/owa.*$
acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/EWS.*$
acl url_allow url_regex -i ^https://webmail.domain.foo/autodiscover.*$

acl OWA dstdomain webmail.domain.foo
acl OWA-SITE urlpath_regex
acl OWA-DIRS url_regex ^https://EXCHANGE_SERVER/owa/

cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow OWA
cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all
never_direct allow OWA

cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow OWA-SITE
cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all
never_direct allow OWA-SITE

cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow OWA-DIRS
cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all
never_direct allow OWA-DIRS

I wanna just to redirect the https://webmail.domain.foo/ to

I saw "url_rewrite_program" but it doesn't works :(

Thx in adavance.


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