On 28.02.2012 05:00, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
On 27/02/2012 14:49, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to create a small external acl program for use in our
organization and I was wondering are there any code examples of
existing external acls in the public domain?
I have tried searching a bit but other than the spec I haven't really
found a lot.

The most promising bit I found so far is this example from the squid
2.5 days, is it still valid?:


it is still vaild as long as i know.
the vaild are in the wiki at squid documentation:

a more advanced configuration is being documented at:


it looks better then on the squid documentation (my opinion) but on
etutorials they have more samples.

There have been little changes (concurrency channel-ID, and parameter encoding) since 2.5, but not much.

The current protocol definition is here:

Coede examples if you need anything more detailed than those tutorials case be found in the Squid sources. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~squid/squid/3-trunk/files/head:/helpers/external_acl/


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