On 12/03/2012 6:53 p.m., kadvar wrote:

I have searched for other posts with the same problem but the workarounds
that worked for them did'nt work for me. I am trying to configure a squid
reverse proxy with ssl support. I have squid on with apache
on on the same box. I also have two other webservers (1 apache, 1
IIS). Squid is configured to direct any requests for asp pages to iis and
the rest to the apache machine.

I have also configured squid to use https, the programmer has set up a 302
redirect on the iis machine so that visiting http://example.com/Login.aspx
redirects to https://example.com/Login.aspx. Squid redirects fine but after
that gives me a "The page isn't redirecting properly". Running wget shows
that squid is going into an endless loop. I have reproduced squid.conf and
also the wget output below.

$wget --no-check
--2012-03-12 11:06:53--
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://example.com/Login.aspx [following]
--2012-03-12 11:06:53--  https://example.com/Login.aspx
Resolving example.com...
Connecting to example.com||:443... connected.
WARNING: cannot verify example.com’s certificate, issued by
“/C=IN/ST=AP/L=Default City/O=Default Company
   Unable to locally verify the issuer’s authority.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://example.com/memberplanet/Login.aspx [following]

and so on..............

The problem is that Squid is sending HTTPS traffic to an HTTP port on IIS. Requests to origin servers do not include anything specifically saying HTTPS or HTTPS. The server tells that from the port its receiving the request on.

There is a trick you can add to your squid.conf to split traffic between two ports on the IIS peer....

http_port accel defaultsite=example.com

https_port accel
key=/usr/newrprgate/CertAuth/testkey.pem defaultsite=example.com

acl rx_aspx urlpath_regex -i \.asp[x]*

acl HTTPS proto HTTPS

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver
cache_peer_access aspserver deny HTTPS

cache_peer_access aspserver allow rx_aspx
cache_peer_access aspserver deny all

cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=aspserverSSL
cache_peer_access aspserverSSL allow  HTTPS rx_aspx
cache_peer_access aspserverSSL deny all

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=wb1
cache_peer_access wb1 deny rx_aspx

acl origin_servers dstdomain .example.com
http_access allow origin_servers
http_access deny all

I'd appreciate it if someone could give me some clues as to what I'm doing

That should fix the looping.


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