Ohh i see thx...

-----Original Message-----

From: Amos Jeffries
Sent: 14 Mar 2012 02:18:58 GMT
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: Re: [squid-users] About access.log hourly?

On 14.03.2012 14:54, Ibrahim Lubis wrote:
> I use cron...

Then the answer is quite simply to set it to run its command every 15
minutes and bump up your logfile_rotate limit to prevent loosing logs


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amos Jeffries
> On 13.03.2012 23:09, Ibrahim Lubis wrote:
>> How can i configurre squid to create a new access.log file every 15
>> minutes, in 1 hour i have 4 different log file...
> What are you using to manage the Squid logs .... cron? logrotate?
> something else?
> Amos

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