On 25/04/2012 6:59 p.m., Jose A. Vidal wrote:
Thank you for your suggestions Amos.

To describe the actual problem I'll write down the steps:

1.- Open hotmail account (via http://www.hotmail.com) -> OK
2.- Create new mail -> OK
3.- Try to add some attachement -> the popup screen to select the file does not open

This is not much help. Hotmail uses multiple page display systems including HTML, Silverlight, Flash, something for mobiles etc. So we can't be sure anyone testing is seeing the same behaviour as what you do.

And then there is the Hotmail system design ... http://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/Hotmail

Your detection of difference between HTTP and HTTPS shows its probably that security system design still biting badly. I was getting kind of hopeful this year, nobody has mentioned hotmail problems since early 2011 and there was talk of Hotmail site redesign improvements late last year.


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