>>On 5/3/2012 4:33 PM, Markus Lauterbach wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I installed two squids in front of my wordpress installation (based on 
>> apache). Up to now, I can browse my wordpress but I still see many 
>> misses in the squid logs. Wordpress itself likes to use many cookies 
>> and I expect that this is a corrupting influence. By searching via 
>> google, I found examples, where people use a squid infornt of there 
>> wordpress installation. Somehow it seems to work. And I found several 
>> howtos to Setup Varnish in front of wordpress, where the cookie is 
>> stripped. 
>> http://ocaoimh.ie/2011/08/09/speed-up-wordpress-with-apache-and-varnis
>> h/
>> Does anyone know a hint for me, what I should take a look to. It is posible, 
>> to manage the caching behavoir with my squid.conf, or do all the information 
>> (weather to cache the element or not) has to be set in the header by the 
>> application (wordpress). I already tried to set the vary header for cookies, 
>> but this doesnt leed to a useable configuration. Now, I would unlikely 
>> change from squid to varnish.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Markus
>I'm not using Apache but Nginx with Wordpress, and I've installed W3 Total 
>Cache plugin for WP. Seems that plugin help much, you should try it yourself.

Sorry. I'm using the multi-DB plugin. Multi-DB and W3 Total Cache are not 


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