Hi, all

I am new to Squid. I am trying to setup squid as a reverse proxy to for MS 
Exchange outlook client access. I compiled squid myself (v3.1.19, Solaris 10, 
SPARC). I followed the configuration example on the squid web page 

# cat squid.conf
# Recommended minimum configuration:
##acl manager proto cache_object
##acl localhost src ::1
##acl to_localhost dst ::1

# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt to list your (internal) IP networks from where browsing
# should be allowed
##acl localnet src   # RFC1918 possible internal network
##acl localnet src        # RFC1918 possible internal network
##acl localnet src       # RFC1918 possible internal network
##acl localnet src fc00::/7       # RFC 4193 local private network range
##acl localnet src fe80::/10      # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) 

acl SSL_ports port 443
acl Safe_ports port 80          # http
acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443         # https
acl Safe_ports port 70          # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210         # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535  # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280         # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488         # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591         # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777         # multiling http

# Recommended minimum Access Permission configuration:
# Only allow cachemgr access from localhost
##http_access allow manager localhost
##http_access deny manager

# Deny requests to certain unsafe ports
##http_access deny !Safe_ports

# Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports
##http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

# We strongly recommend the following be uncommented to protect innocent
# web applications running on the proxy server who think the only
# one who can access services on "localhost" is a local user
#http_access deny to_localhost


# Example rule allowing access from your local networks.
# Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks
# from where browsing should be allowed
##http_access allow localnet
##http_access allow localhost

# And finally deny all other access to this proxy
##http_access allow all

# Squid normally listens to port 3128

https_port accel 
cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver login=PASS ssl 
sslcert=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_fnpc_com.crt name=exchangeServer

acl EXCH dstdomain .fnpc.com

cache_peer_access exchangeServer allow EXCH
cache_peer_access exchangeServer deny all
never_direct all EXCH

http_access allow EXCH
http_acces deny all
miss_access allow EXCH
miss_access deny all

# Uncomment and adjust the following to add a disk cache directory.
#cache_dir ufs /opt/squid-3.1.19/var/cache 100 16 256

# Leave coredumps in the first cache dir
coredump_dir /opt/squid-3.1.19/var/cache

# Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0
refresh_pattern .               0       20%     4320

The cerficate file webmail_fnpc_com.crt is a valid certificate that I got from 
a CA. Do I need to install two certificates on the server, one for client which 
I would guess the official certificate (webmail_fnpc_com.crt)?  Can I present 
the same certificate to the internal exchange server? That is what I did to all 
my Apache reverse proxy servers for Exchange server.  When I ran 'squid -X', I 
got the below message stating 1. unrecognized: 'https_port', 2. FATAL: Bungled 
squid.conf line 64: cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query 
originserver login=PASS ssl 
sslcert=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_fnpc_com.crt name=exchangeServer

# ./squid -X
2012/05/08 17:22:11.353| command-line -X overrides: ALL,7
2012/05/08 17:22:11.354| CacheManager::registerAction: registering legacy mem
2012/05/08 17:22:11.355| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action mem
2012/05/08 17:22:11.355| Action not found.
2012/05/08 17:22:11.355| CacheManager::registerAction: registered mem
2012/05/08 17:22:11.356| CacheManager::registerAction: registering legacy 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.356| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.356| Action not found.
2012/05/08 17:22:11.357| CacheManager::registerAction: registered 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.357| CacheManager::registerAction: registering legacy diskd
2012/05/08 17:22:11.357| CacheManager::findAction: looking for action diskd
2012/05/08 17:22:11.358| Action not found.
2012/05/08 17:22:11.358| CacheManager::registerAction: registered diskd
2012/05/08 17:22:11.359| Detected IPv6 hybrid or v4-mapping stack...
2012/05/08 17:22:11.359| IPv6 transport Enabled
2012/05/08 17:22:11.360| cf_parser.cci(2612) free_all: 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.360| aclDestroyACLs: invoked
2012/05/08 17:22:11.361| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type src
2012/05/08 17:22:11.361| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.361| ACL::FindByName 'all'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.362| ACL::FindByName found no match
2012/05/08 17:22:11.362| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'all'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.362| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object for type 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.363| aclIpParseIpData: all
2012/05/08 17:22:11.363| aclIpParseIpData: magic 'all' found.
2012/05/08 17:22:11.363| Processing Configuration File: 
/opt/squid-3.1.19/etc/squid.conf (depth 0)
2012/05/08 17:22:11.367| Processing: acl SSL_ports port 443
2012/05/08 17:22:11.367| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.367| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.368| ACL::FindByName 'SSL_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.368| ACL::FindByName found no match
2012/05/08 17:22:11.369| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'SSL_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.369| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object for type 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.369| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 80             # http
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::FindByName found no match
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object for type 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 21             # ftp
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 443            # https
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.370| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 70             # gopher
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 210            # wais
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535     # 
unregistered ports
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 280            # 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.371| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 488            # 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 591            # 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| Processing: acl Safe_ports port 777            # 
multiling http
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type port
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::FindByName 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| aclParseAclLine: Appending to 'Safe_ports'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| Processing: acl CONNECT method CONNECT
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered: invoked for type method
2012/05/08 17:22:11.372| ACL::Prototype::Registered:    yes
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| ACL::FindByName 'CONNECT'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| ACL::FindByName found no match
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| aclParseAclLine: Creating ACL 'CONNECT'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| ACL::Prototype::Factory: cloning an object for type 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| Processing: https_port accel 
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| cache_cf.cc(381) parseOneConfigFile: squid.conf:63 
unrecognized: 'https_port'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| Processing: cache_peer parent 443 0 
no-query originserver login=PASS ssl 
sslcert=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_fnpc_com.crt name=exchangeServer
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| parse_peer: token='ssl'
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| leave_suid: PID 27667 called
2012/05/08 17:22:11.373| leave_suid: PID 27667 giving up root, becoming 'nobody'
FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 64: cache_peer parent 443 0 
no-query originserver login=PASS ssl 
sslcert=/opt/apache2.2.21/conf/ssl.crt/webmail_fnpc_com.crt name=exchangeServer
Squid Cache (Version 3.1.19): Terminated abnormally.
2012/05/08 17:22:11.376| enter_suid: PID 27667 taking root priveleges
2012/05/08 17:22:11.376| leave_suid: PID 27667 called
2012/05/08 17:22:11.376| leave_suid: PID 27667 giving up root, becoming 'nobody'
CPU Usage: 0.034 seconds = 0.017 user + 0.017 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
2012/05/08 17:22:11.376| ACL::~ACL: '
2012/05/08 17:22:11.377| ACL::~ACL: '
2012/05/08 17:22:11.377| ACL::~ACL: '
2012/05/08 17:22:11.377| ACL::~ACL: '

Thanks in advance.

Ryan Jiang

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