On 29/05/2012 10:13 p.m., nipun_mlist Assam wrote:
Is there any way through which I can control traffic from only few
clients to connect directly to internet if the upstream parent proxies
are down.
For example,  in an example configuration squid forwards traffic from
client C1 and C2 to parent proxy P.

HTTP traffic from client C1 and C2<--->  forwarding squid<--->  P<--->  cloud

If parent P is down I want C1's traffic to be sent directly to the
internet by squid, while for C2 the connection should be dropped by

"prefer_direct off" affects traffics from all the clients.
Is there any way to use a combination of "prefer_direct off" and
"never_direct allow all/ always_direct deny all" ?

never_direct and allow_direct are lists with multiple lines performing if-else logic just like http_access.

Think about it like this: you said you want these clients to go direct *sometimes*, so why are you setting them to *never* go direct? ("all" matches everything).

prefer_direct determins whether the parent or DIRECT are *tried* first. First route to succeed suplies the answer.


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