Hi all,

I observed two more things:
1. I ran wireshark on the Squid box and observed that the client is
looking for a service called ndl-aas on port 3128. But no such service
is running on the system.
2. netstat shows that Squid listens on IPV6 addresses (shows tcp6 for
port 3128).

Are these normal and expected?


On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Abhishek Chanda
<abhishek.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to setup a topology like the one shown below where Squid
> will be a transparent proxy. I have a restriction so that I cannot use
> iptables to redirect traffic to Squid. So, there is a daemon in Box
> that captures http traffic from Client and re-writes its Destination
> IP to point to Squid and destination port to 3128. All boxes can
> access each other. The problem is, I ran tcpdump on all boxes and I do
> see traffic arriving at Squid, but Squid does not register a MISS or
> HIT. The actual data still comes from Apache. Do I need to re-write
> any HTTP header or some other configuration for this?
> Client ------- Box ------- Squid --------- Apache
> Thanks

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