* Amos Jeffries <squ...@treenet.co.nz>:

> This is the counter of how many "error" responses were generated and
> logged by Squid.

> Are you using deny_info redirection? (this counter includes the
> 200/30x responses from that hack)

Yes, massively so:

deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish1
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish2
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish3
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish4
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish5
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/phishing/ phish6

deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/proxy/ dmz
deny_info   http://proxy.charite.de/proxy/ intranet

>  or are you logging more 4xx/5xx responses than before?


> A scan of your logs should indicate what errors are happening more
> often now.

So I guess it's that "deny_info" stuff.

Ralf Hildebrandt                   Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin
ralf.hildebra...@charite.de        Campus Benjamin Franklin
http://www.charite.de              Hindenburgdamm 30, 12203 Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT, Abt. Netzwerk fon: +49-30-450.570.155

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