On 17.10.2012 02:51, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
I set up an adaptation_service_set on a test server and I would like
to see if it's working but I don't seem to be able to trigger use of
the second icap server in the pool by just browsing myself, any ideas
how I can test this conclusively?

For chaining sets it should be easy one request going through both. Serial requests should be sufficient here.

For multi-path / failover sets throw more requests at Squid than one can handle. This may require configuring the ICAP service with a low max connection in order to make the failover show up at reasonably low request concurrency. *concurrency* being the key thing to throw at it.

If you want more particulars about how adaptation was tested during development, please contact the Measurement Factory (www.measurement-factory.com) and/or squid-dev mailing list.


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