Hi everyone,

is it possible to have squid use the same Source Port to connect to the Web=

server as the client uses to connect to squid ?

My problem is the following setup:

Various Citrix Server

URL Filtering with Identity Awareness

Squid 3.1 as Cache Proxy

I had to install a Terminal Server Identity Agent on every Citrix Server to=

 distinguish the users.

The Identity Agent assigns port ranges to every user, to distinguish them.

Problem is:

In my firewall logs i can see the identity of the user for the request from=

 the citrix server to the proxy (proxy is in the dmz). But i can't see the =

identity from the request from the proxy to the Internet.

My guess is, that this is because squid isn't using the same Source Port as=

 the client, or is not forwarding the Source Port.

Did anybody try something similiar and got it working ?  Is squid capable o=

f doing this or do i have an error in reasoning about my setup ?

Any help is appreciated :)

Best Regards


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