Is there any coment about the issue?


2012/10/15 a bv <>:
> Hi,
> There are multiple proxies(squid) in the enviroment  and one is the
> major used one. Some users which use the same proxies for internet
> connections at different location reports access problem to a spesific
> site. Mostly using the same proxies i can open the page mostly easily
> but sometime s a problem. No cache parameter was used there and it
> seems thats when the problem occurs while anaylzing it seems that some
> is doing something a doing a trick and maybe create the problem but
> dont know how.  The websites owner says that we have analyzed our logs
> and everything seems ok .  Whether problem reported or not it seems
> that there is difference at the opening of the page at diffrerent
> locations.
> How to analyze and find out the problem ?
> Regards

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