Hello, I'm having some issues setting up a reverse proxy in my
environment for some URL's running on the same Apache server. I'm
using squid 3.1.10. My configuration is below, but basically I have
two sites on one Apache server and that server is in an isolated
environment. The Apache sites are vhost1 and vhost2.example.com, but I
need to get to them via the outside.example.com domain. So

client -> vhost1.outside.example.com -> squid -> vhost1.example.com ->
apache server

for both. The problem is that only the vhost1 is working. When I go to
vhost2.outside.example.com I go to vhost1.example.com.

Any help would be appreciated.

https_port 443 cert=/etc/pki/tls/CertAuth/testcert.cert
key=/etc/pki/tls/CertAuth/testkey.pem vhost

cache_peer vhost1.example.com parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=vsite1
cache_peer vhost2.example.com parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER login=PASS name=vsite2
cache_peer host3.example.com parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=site3

acl d_vhost1    dstdomain vhost1.outside.example.com
acl d_vhost2    dstdomain vhost2.outside.example.com
acl d_host3     dstdomain host3.outside.example.com

http_access allow d_vhost1
http_access allow d_vhost2
http_access allow d_host3

cache_peer_access vsite1 allow d_vhost1
cache_peer_access vsite1 deny  all

cache_peer_access vsite2 allow d_vhost2
cache_peer_access vsite2 deny  all

cache_peer_access site3 allow d_host3
cache_peer_access site3 deny  all

http_access deny all

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