Hello! We run squid as a caching proxy. No transparency or intercept in any form, and the only way out is through the squid proxy server. Web browsers use either wpad or hardcoded proxy configuration.
Streams from www.dn.se/webbtv don't work. The commercial part first in every stream works fine, but when it's time to switch to the main stream it just stops and the screen goes black. Our production squid runs 3.1.21, and in a lab server I have tried with squid 2.7.STABLE9, 3.2.3 and Same problem in all versions. The configuration in the lab server squids have been exactly as they were default installed, except that I enabled cache_dir ufs in all of them. Any ideas about this? (I will ask their support what the difference is in the streaming methods of the commercial part and the main part.) Thanks! -- Peter Olsson p...@leissner.se