
     I try to write a simple external helper for test.

while read ip ; do
if [ -e /tmp/test.err ] ; then
    echo "ERR"
    echo "OK"


external_acl_type test_helper ttl=0 negative_ttl=0 grace=0 %SRC
acl testacl external test_helper

acl site1 dst

cache_peer proxy1.example.com parent 3128 0 name=P1 no-digest no-query
cache_peer proxy2.example.com parent 3128 0 name=P2 no-digest no-query

cache_peer_access P1 deny site1 testacl
cache_peer_access P1 allow all
cache_peer_access P2 allow all

  My plan is let site1 go through P1 proxy when exist /tmp/test.err
file. But I'm fail because I found squid didn't check testacl.
  0 requests in External ACL Statistics
#    FD    PID    # Requests    # Pending    Flags    Time    Offset    Request
1    38    21919    0    0       0.000    0    (none)
2    39    21920    0    0       0.000    0    (none)

  But I configure like this:

external_acl_type test_helper ttl=0 negative_ttl=0 grace=0 %SRC
acl testacl external test_helper
http_access testacl all
cache_peer_access P1 deny site1 testacl
cache_peer_access P1 allow all

  It work. so, I think maybe external helper can't work first with

  My Squid Cache: Version 3.1.10

John Xue

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