On 2/1/2013 8:04 PM, Luciano Ruete wrote:
I've already tested and the above seams to be true. How can I know for
shure if there are or not objects in the cache_dir greater than

I can ran more tests if you give me further instructions, or can try a
patch if provided.


We need a set of http cachable objects in different sizes:


avg download:

big download: http://repo.ngtech.co.il/rpm/centos/6/x86_64/squid-debuginfo-3.2.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm

large download:

very large download:

All the above should have proper cache directive that can be checked using:
(ignore my testing Link headers)

You can set these settings in squid.conf
store_dir_select_algorithm round-robin
#^^default is: "least-load" which can cause your problem.
cache_dir rock /var/spool/squid/rock 1000 min-size=1024 max-size=31000 max-swap-rate=250 swap-timeout=350 cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid/aufs 30000 16 256 min-size=209715 max-size=734003200
maximum_object_size_in_memory 512 KB #default
minimum_object_size 0 KB #default
maximum_object_size 300 MB #non default
##end conf

First try only the round-robin to make sure this is not the basic cause for problems. reload\restart check the cache_dir sizes before and after getting into a website like yahoo movies or any site with many objects in it. Then try to change only the maximum_object_size_in_memory from 512 default to 8 KB which will cause almost no ram cache and mostly dir cache to make sure that the reason for the low counters is not because of mem caching.
Check the cache_dir before and after...

If there is no straight answer if it's ok or not and if no clean answer try to use all the directives I gave you together and try to download each of the set of files I gave you.

The tiny should be cached in mem.
all the others should be cached in a cache_dir by the size.
the large ISO file should be cached in any case in the UFS cache_dir.

Feel free to ask me anything.
I am also in squid IRC channel here and there.

Eliezer Croitoru

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