On Mar 9, 2013, at 12:48 PM, Adam W. Dace <colonelforbi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry for wasting everyone's time a bit...but I did want to try to
> focus in on what is really a problem I can't figure out
> and what isn't before filing a bug in Bugzilla.
> Thank you!  I nailed it...at least in terms of Unix Domain Sockets.
> Squid is up and running with 3 workers and not sharing memory.
> At this point I'll ask if anyone has a FreeBSD box handy?
> If so, could you please run "sysctl -A" and let me know what the
> following are set to.
> Currently I'm using the settings from the squid Wiki and have little
> idea what to set them to on Mac OS X.
> net.local.dgram.recvspace: 262144
> net.local.dgram.maxdgram: 16384
> I'm going to give what I have a little time to "settle in" and then
> get back to someone else who wanted a working SMP configuration also.
> Regards,

My FreeBSD 8.x and 9.x boxes show these default values:

net.local.dgram.recvspace: 4096
net.local.dgram.maxdgram: 2048

They appear to be the same defaults as on Mac OS X 10.8.2. I did not realize 
the defaults were so small - yikes!


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