On Apr 10, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Kinkie <gkin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Youssef Ghorbal <d...@pasteur.fr> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>        Is there any recent figures about max throughput to be expected from 
>> a squid 3.x install (on recent hardware) in the scenario of a single stream 
>> downloading a large file (> 1GB) (read not cacheable)
>>        I'm aware that's not a performance metric per se, but it's one of the 
>> scenarios we have to deal with.
>>        Few weeks ago, Amos talked about 50Mb/s (client + server) for a squid 
>> 3.1
> Hi,
>  50mb/s seems a very conservative estimate to me; in that scenario
> Squid is essentially acting as a network pipe.
> Assuming this is a lab (and we can thus ignore bandwidth and latency
> on the internet link), the expectation is that this kind of scenario
> for squid will be CPU and network I/O bound, so in order to give any
> sensible answer we'd need to know what kind of network interface you
> would use (fast-ethernet? Giga-ethernet copper? Giga-ethernet fiber?
> Even faster?), what kind of CPU and what kind of system architecture
> (server-class? pc-class? virtual?)

I'm agree, it's a LAB and we can ignore bandwidth and latency of Internet link. 
And it's exactly what you said it's a scenario where Squid is essentially 
acting as a network pipe.
Here is a summary of the hardware : 
- 1Gb ethernet NIC (copper) : the same of client and server traffic.
- 16GB RAM
- 2 CPUs Quad Core (Xeon E5420 2.5Ghz per core) : I think that the many cores 
are not relevent since a single stream will eventually be handled by a single 
- FreeBSD 8.3 amd64

What I'm seeing right now is ~50Mb/s on 3.1 release (as Amos said earlier) 
which seems very conservative estimate to me too, and I was seeking infos on 
what can be expected in a perfect world.
If it's the current best figures I can get, that's fine and I'll not be looking 
to optmise anything else. If it can do a lot better (let's say 10 times better) 
I'll try to investgate time to reach this (upgrade to the last release, tune 
the configuration, tune the system etc)


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