Why are you using the CONNECT method with FTP?  The CONNECT method is
for use with tunneled connections, such as HTTPS through a proxy.  It
does not seem correct that the CONNECT method is being used.

i have:
acl ftp proto FTP
acl Safe_ports port 21          # ftp
http_access allow ftp
always_direct allow FTP

yum sometimes uses FTP to download updates from some mirrors, and i only
see GET methods being used.  i could see you needing to use some of the
icap_* directives to push the FTP traffic to your DLP boxes, instead of
the "always_direct allow FTP" config i have.


On Wed, 2013-04-24 at 21:05 -0400, Dave wrote:
> Good evening everyone,
> Using Squid 3.3.3 on Centos 6.4. I need to be able to send FTP client
> traffic through an ICAP server for Data Loss Prevention (DLP) purposes.
> I have the following ACLs defined in squid.conf
> *******************************************************
> acl ftp proto FTP
> acl ftp_port port 20 21
> http_access allow ftp_port connect
> http_access allow ftp
> *******************************************************
> However, when I attempt to connect to my FTP server via FileZilla, I get the
> following squid log:
> *******************************************************
> 366851550.677    396 NONE/200 0 CONNECT
> ftp.thinkwelldesigns.com:21 - HIER_DIRECT/ -
> *******************************************************
> For its part, FileZilla reports:
> *******************************************************
> Status:       Connecting to ftp.thinkwelldesigns.com through proxy
> Status:       Connecting to
> Status:       Connection with proxy established, performing handshake...
> Response:     Proxy reply: HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established
> Status:       Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
> Error:        Connection timed out
> Error:        Could not connect to server
> *******************************************************
> It seems I'm almost there, but not quite. Any help for me?
> Thanks,
> Dave

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