
I have the reverse proxy config as:

 cache_peer  parent  80 0  no-query  originserver name=caiyuan
acl resdomain dstdomain  www.52caiyuan.com www.52huayuan.cn
52caiyuan.com 52huayuan.cn huayuan.52caiyuan.com
cache_peer_access caiyuan allow resdomain

When accessing to the cache, the domains www.52caiyuan.com and
52caiyuan.com work fine.
But huayuan.52caiyuan.com got failed, the cache.log says:

 2013/04/28 16:36:13| Failed to select source for
2013/04/28 16:36:13|   always_direct = 0
2013/04/28 16:36:13|    never_direct = 1
2013/04/28 16:36:13|        timedout = 0

 For the same originserver, why some domains work but some not?

The squid and OS version:

 Squid Cache: Version 3.1.6
Debian GNU/Linux 6.0

(apt-get install squid3)

Can you help? thanks.

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