On 10/05/2013 4:10 p.m., Brett Lymn wrote:
I am using squid v3.3.2 and have found that ftp directory listings don't
seem to be working for windows 7 with IE 8 but they work fine with
firefox.  When using IE 8 and visiting the url ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/ our
parent proxy returns a ERR_DIR_LISTING error but if we use firefox from
the same machine the directory listing works fine.

ERR_DIR_LISTING is the directory listing page template name. I think Squid is sending the directory listing, but for some reason IE is not displaying it.

   Performing a sniff
on the traffic from the parent proxy shows the directory listing being
retrieved fine when either browser is used but for some reason it
delivers an error to IE8.

Please check your "friendly error pages" setting in IE is disabled.
Also, check your "use HTTP/1.1 with proxies" setting in IE is enabled.

It would also be worthwhile locating the HTTP status codes Squid is sending to the browser with the ERR_DIR_LISTING page.


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