On 01/06/2013 10:11, csn233 wrote:
A side by side
comparison of what behaviour your proxy has when StoreID is used and when it
is not will probably also be useful in figuring it out.

What I've noticed so far is:
1. Running the same video on 1 browser at a time - no problem, and I
see a HITs after the first time.
2. Running 3 browser sessions on same video at the same time without
StoreID - no problem. Slower, but runs to completion.
3. Running 3 browser sessions on same video at the same time with
StoreID - 1 or 2 of those browsers sessions will halt with "an error
occurred..., please try again later", while at least 1 will run to
completion with no problems.

No errors in cache.log. I'm just looking for ideas at this point, and
I'll try to narrow it down a bit more. Any debugging that might be

Hey ...,

Like Amos explained the way squid alters the urls is only in a very low level which in your case dosn't related to storeID code which is working the same on any url squid alters.
So you cannot say that for one it works and other not..
we need to split it like in binary search in order to find the culprit.
if you do not see this problem in a case which the *helper* is not working there are couple options. My suspect is the helper code rather then storeID internals themselves since the StoreID is very simple.
On my testing servers I have seen similar issues with external helpers.
We can try to test it on another external helper.
try to use more helpers and not pass other domains then you need.
acl rewritedoms dstdomain .dailymotion.com .video-http.media-imdb.com .c.youtube.com av.vimeo.com .dl.sourceforge.net .ytimg.com .vid.ec.dmcdn.net .videoslasher.com
acl banned_methods method CONNECT POST DELETE PUT

store_id_program /usr/local/squid/bin/new_format.rb
store_id_children 40 startup=10 idle=5 concurrency=0
store_id_access allow rewritedoms !banned_methods
store_id_access deny all

try this setup and notify me the results.


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