On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 09:43:36PM +1200, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 14/06/2013 9:27 p.m., Peter Olsson wrote:
> > We get a lot of these in our squid log:
> >
> > x.x.x.x - - [14/Jun/2013:11:20:01 +0200] "NONE error:invalid-request 
> > HTTP/0.0" 400 4026 NONE:NONE
> >
> > We tracked it to Spotify clients. We don't want to
> > block Spotify but we want to avoid filling the log
> > with these pointless lines.
> Pointless? it alerted you to a bunch of non-HTTP traffic being thrown at 
> the proxy did it not?
> Each and every one of these will be a TCP socket wasted until closure 
> timeout completes. If there were many of these at once you would be 
> calling it a DoS.

Good point. But we only allow squid traffic from our internal
network, with very few users, so in our view these lines are
just a waste of log space. (I forgot to mention that each
Spotify client can generate 4-5 of these lines every five
> Since you ave tracked it down already could you explain exactly what is 
> going on there? Are the spotify clients attempting to send non-HTTP 
> traffic over port 80? or is that the result of excess data on the 
> connection being dumped?

Sorry, we have no details at all. We just went to the
worst offender and shut down each application until the
lines stopped.

> > We run a non-transparent Squid 3.1.20 in FreeBSD.
> > I will upgrade to Squid 3.2 this weekend, but I
> > suspect that these lines will still be logged in 3.2.
> >
> > I tried this log_access, but it didn't work:
> > acl spotify_invalid urlpath_regex invalid-request
> > log_access deny spotify_invalid
> > log_access allow all
> >
> > Anyone know how we can exclude these lines from the log?
> "acl ... method NONE" should match them.

Doesn't seem to work unfortunately. I now have this in squid.conf,
and I tried with these lines last or first in squid.conf:

acl spotify_invalid method NONE
log_access deny spotify_invalid
log_access allow all

But the log lines still keep coming after squid -k reconfigure.

I will check again after the upgrade to Squid 3.2.


Peter Olsson

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