On 2/07/2013 10:52 p.m., anita wrote:
Hi All,

I am using squid 3.1.16.

1)Can someone tell me how this version of squid handles chunked responses
from a server? Does it wait for all the chunks to arrive and send a
consolidated response back to the client or it sends as and when it receives

No version of Squid should be waiting for the entire response. Chunking is normally used for responses with extremely large sizes which are unknown prior to delivery. They do wait for the whole of a single chunk though, or 64KB whichever comes first. The oldest versions with chunking support would not handle >64KB chunks IIRC.

2)  Range headers - from my understanding, it looks like they use this for
video streaming.. it looks like the client can request a part of the object
body to be sent alone to him. Is it correct? In this case, if multiple
ranges are requested, is it sent separately or in a consolidated manner?

Whatever it is used for Range is a HTTP feature. HTTP protocol is followed.


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