On 14/07/2013 7:00 a.m., jc.yin wrote:
Like the title says, I've set up Squid with the default configs for a forward
proxy, yet when I try to access any website the access.log shows only
TCP_Miss for everything, regardless if they are dynamic or static website.
The only thing that does get cashed is a few images occasionally with
TCP_IMS_Hit. I have tried almost every solution I can find on google
regarding TCP_Miss's and still the problem persists.

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and the latest version of Squid installed via
apt-get. Is anyone please able to help me out here? I've posted on all of
the relevant Stack websites but nobody has answered or has given any

The default Squid-3 configuration does not contain a disk cache. So at most you will get memory-cache HITs (the TCP_MEM_HIT you see).


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