On Monday 29 July 2013 at 12:36:05, John Joseph wrote:

> Hi All
> For purpose of convincing about the squid cahce, I installed and started
> monitoring SQUID using mysar "http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysar/";
> Is this % too low or average  how much should a optimized squid setup give.
> Or should I dig into some more configuration to pump the cache %

How large is your cache?

How many users are going via Squid?

How long have they been using it (how long has Squid been building up its 

How many connection requests do you have per minute/hour/day/whatever makes 

How many cache HITs do you see in the log file compared to MISSes (ie: how 
often are cached objects being requested)?

Any other relevant information you can supply might be helpful in providing an 



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