On 07/30/2013 03:15 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> Yes and No.
> Yes, 3.4 added mDNS support which have no particular guarantee of
> getting any response. If you do not have mDNS setup the .local requests
> will timeout instead, before moving on to the global resolution methods.
> No, because the above event should only show up on single-label domain
> names in URL or Host: header. And if you do have .local mDNS setup in
> the network most of them should be getting responses anyway.
> Amos
It's most likely to be the internet DNS infrastructure that is the
problem compared to local mDNS.

In many cases you can get no response when querying a DNS if you do have
a route problem for a sec.
Once a BGP session ended it takes couple secs or MS to get the path

You can test it using a local DNS server that will be a "proxy" that
response in any case and then see if the DNS is responding with a
respond or the route is the problem.
This way all the tests will be done on the local network rather then
over the INTERNET and then you can ask the next person in the chain in
order to get a deeper response.


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