For anyone who's interested, I upgraded to Debian Testing a few days ago, and to their build of 3.3.8 - problem has been solved.


On 3/08/2013 5:52 PM, Tim Bates wrote:
On 24/07/2013 2:01 PM, Tim Bates wrote:
OK, so I've got Squid 3.1.6 (from Debian Wheezy) running on a OpenVZ

OK, so I discovered I was actually running Squeeze still (which has
3.1.6). I upgraded to Wheezy (has Squid 3.1.20) hoping it would fix it,
but no... Still runs at 100% CPU during downloads.

I also attempted to compile my own 3.3.x the other day. This went quite
badly. The builds I ended up with all just crashed before anything even
got a chance to connect.

I did try Squid 2.x just to check things are OK in that, and it seemed
to work fine. I think I'll just move everything over to use 2.x instead
for now.


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