On 12/09/2013 7:03 p.m., uners wrote:
Antony Stone wrote
Er, I think you mean "intercept"?

The "intercept" option is the successor of "transparent"?
 From which Squid version on? The link above doesn't tell.

The above link is version-specific configuration details. Note that you will find no such option as "transparent" in that page.

I run Debian7-shipped Squid3 which is 3.1.20.

Since 3.1 started (http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.1/RELEASENOTES.html#ss3.2). It used to be listed in the change history on the directives cross-series documentation (http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/http_port/) but is now so many years ago (>3 squid series) that the version it changed in is no longer detailed in the must-know changes.

Debian 8 ships 3.3.8 these days.
If you need an upgrade to the current version (its worth it):
 * change your sources.list to pull from "Testing" repository
 * run: aptitude update && aptitude install squid3
 * revert the changes made to sources.list
 * run: aptitude update

That will install the current squid3 package from the mostly-stable Debian repository, and reset to using your old repository for any future updates. You can switch aptitude for apt-get if you prefer. Besides the major feature gains, the 3.3 series includes a lot of configuration checks, debugging improvements and far more HTTP protocol support.


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