On 09/14/2013 03:44 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
SORRY typo:

the above can clarify more about the ulimit stuff.

The basic solution is to define the soft limit in the init script.

I don't think that this is a good solution. It could work as a temporary hook. See my thoughts below.
I would go to make sure that the hard and the soft limits are the problem..
ulimit -Sa >>/tmp/ulimit_test
ulimit -Ha >>/tmp/ulimit_test

this will make sure that the limits problem are in the soft and hard.

It's a basic linux issue which is not related to squid but more to the
distribution and how you define ulimits

I assume the limit is on the bash level rather then on the OS level.

hope it helps clarify the issue.

There could be an option that will be added to the init.d script to
specify the ulimit soft and hard by a config file or variable.

I hope to post a new script for centos in the comming weeks.


On 09/14/2013 03:33 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
as stated before the mentioned solution was to insert the ulimit into
the init script to make sure the limit is absolute!

there might be a chance for this to solve or help solve and find the issue:
On 09/14/2013 12:05 PM, Mohsen Dehghani wrote:
Oh , no...it is 1024
thanks for the help
Now I added 'ulimit -n 65000' in squid init file and the problem is
resolved. But some questions:

1-why is it 1024 While I've set 65535 FD at compile time and squid user
which is "proxy" has this much limitation in limit.conf file?
This is an interesting question. I guess we need someone like package/distribution maintainer here, because I don't know why limits.d doesn't work.
2-is it ok to increase FD limit in this way?
No, that's not a good idea. You will have the problem each time you will try to update your squid using package manager (as you . You have to set limits in /etc/security/sysctl.d/squid.conf file (or file with another name). Of course, you have to find out why this doesn't work at the moment.
3-Apearantly according to "# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max" my os FD limit is
400577. Can I increase squid FD to it
Not really good idea to, as thus you allow squid to use all the available system-wide file descriptors. This value doesn't seem to be too high though so you can increase both system file descriptors (sys.fs.file-max) and squid's one.
4-What is best FD limit for about 150Mbps bandwidth and 18000 RPM
18000 rpm means you need 18000 descriptors available. I guess it will not be hard to find out appropriate value watching squid log and increasing nofile system limit each time you encounter warning in squid's log.

This could be ugly troubleshooting practice, but you can try to modify your
init script (or upstart job, not sure how exactly squid is being started in
ubuntu). The idea is to add 'ulimit -n > /tmp/squid.descriptors' and see if
the number is really 65k.

On 09/14/2013 09:41 AM, Mohsen Dehghani wrote:
I don't see any logic here. Are you sure your squid is started not by
Is replacing 'root' by 'squid' or '*' solves issue as well?
When I manually  start service by root, there is no file descriptor
warning and squid works as normal.
But when the system boots up and starts the service automatically,
squid runs out of FD.

I've tested different the following settings without any luck. Every
time that the box reboots, I have to login and restart service manually.

root soft nofile 65000
root hard nofile 65000
proxy soft nofile 65000
proxy hard nofile 65000
squid soft nofile 65000
squid hard nofile 65000
* soft nofile 65000
* hard nofile 65000

The values seems fine. What exactly the name of file you put them into?

It seems these settings only works if the user logins to system.
My squid user is "proxy"(I configured it at the time of compile).

Maybe some useful info:
OS:Ubuntu 12.04

# ulimit -n

# squidclient mgr:info | grep 'file descri'
          Maximum number of file descriptors:   65536
          Available number of file descriptors: 65527
          Reserved number of file descriptors:   100

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