
Excuse me please, the main problem was squid -N, now is working fine.

"WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is too large for mem-cache: 337920.00 KB > 32.00 KB" Only this warning has been getting attention, but does not seem to interfere with anything.
It seems that he is referring to the cache_dir aufs ..., looks fake.


-----Mensagem Original----- From: Alex Rousskov
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 1:25 PM
To: Squid forum
Cc: Marcos A. Dzieva
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Workers rock, aufs

On 09/13/2013 10:16 AM, Marcos A. Dzieva wrote:

But when using the ${process_number} not work:
With this configuration squid not start:

Please give details. "not work" and "not start" tells us what does NOT
happen. We need to know what DOES happen. To make progress, I suggest

1) Exact command line options used to start Squid (not "service squid
start" but actual Squid command line options).

2) Squid startup output (cache.log or terminal output).

Thank you,


workers 4
cache_dir rock /var/cache2/squid/rock 50000 min-size=1 max-size=31000
max-swap-rate=250 swap-timeout=350
if ${process_number} = 1
   cache_dir aufs /var/cache/squid/aufs 850000 64 256 min-size=31001

It also does not create the swap.state when squid start.

workers 4
cache_dir rock /var/cache/squid/rock 50000 min-size=1 max-size=...
cache_dir aufs /var/cache/squid/aufs${process_number} 850000 ...
squid-z created the following:

All this was tested on two machines.

Thank you for your attention.
Marcos A. Dzieva

-----Mensagem Original----- From: Alex Rousskov
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 5:56 PM
To: Squid forum
Cc: Marcos A. Dzieva
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Workers rock, aufs

On 09/12/2013 09:11 AM, Marcos A. Dzieva wrote:
Dear, I have tried to use workers with rock and aufs, but I could not
make it work.

workers 4
cache_dir rock /var/cache2/squid/rock 50000 min-size=1 max-size=31000
max-swap-rate=250 swap-timeout=350
if ${process_number} = 1
   cache_dir aufs /var/cache/squid/aufs 850000 64 256 min-size=31001
if ${process_number} = 2
   cache_dir aufs /var/cache2/squid/aufs 880000 64 256 min-size=31001
if ${process_number} = 3
   cache_dir aufs /var/cache3/squid/aufs 930000 64 256 min-size=31001
if ${process_number} = 4
   cache_dir aufs /var/cache4/squid/aufs 950000 64 256 min-size=31001

cache_dir aufs can not write to the hdd,

Can you detail that a bit more please? Why do you think Squid cannot
write to aufs directories? Does Squid try and fail? Or those directories
are just not getting any traffic?

Do those aufs dirs show up on cache manager mgr:storedir page?

it seems that ${process_number} returns no value.

What makes you think that? Please make sure that you start Squid without

Thank you,

P.S. BTW, with a little bit of extra work (which I will not discuss here
to stay on topic), you could shorten the above config snippet to
something close to these three lines:

 workers 4
 cache_dir rock /var/cache2/squid/rock 50000 min-size=1 max-size=...
 cache_dir aufs /var/cache${process_number}/squid/aufs 850000 ...

When using squid -z  ${process_number} returns correct value.

I am using the last squid 3.4 and Ubuntu 13.04.

You guys could help me with the configurations?

Marcos A. Dzieva

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