I'm trying to set up squid as reverse proxy/cache for a mediawiki website. At
this time, http requests to the website give me an Access denied message.
Looks like I need to map requests to port 80 somehow to the port 3129 (where
Squid is listening right now) but I don't understand how.

Squid 3.3.8, FreeBSD 6.2.

Web server is listening to port 3130. Squid is listening on 3129. 

Trying to browse the homepage ( http://mydomain.org - not the real domain)
results in: 

The requested URL could not be retrieved 
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:
Access Denied. 
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at
this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is
Your cache administrator is webmaster. 

However, adding the Squid port number does work - the response is the
homepage ( http://mydomain.org:3129/ ) 


http_port 3129 accel defaultsite=mydomain.org 
cache_peer parent 3130 0 no-query originserver  name=myAccel
acl our_sites dstdomain mydomain.org 

http_access allow our_sites 
cache_peer_access myAccel allow our_sites 
cache_peer_access myAccel deny all 

cache_dir ufs /home/mydomain/website/webroot/cache/squid 100 16 256 
coredump_dir /home/mydomain/opt/squid/var/cache/squid 

refresh_pattern ^ftp:    1440   20%     10080 
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440 
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0     0%      0 
refresh_pattern .        0      20%     4320 

visible_hostname mydomain.org 

I've tried adding references to port 80 but so far nothing has worked. 

I will sincerely appreciate any suggestions. We have had the website down
for two months now trying to get Squid working :( 

Thank you.

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