Hey Romeo,

The main issue is that the "-s" is not working while just a "5" will not break "squid -kparse"

Can you file a bug at the bugzilla to follow up?


On 11/12/13 04:52, Romeo Mihalcea wrote:
I have these boxes running an early version 3.0 and I decided to
upgrade to latest which I did. Compiled and working, except with one
rule which spits an error (was working fine till now):

acl concurrent_browsing max_user_ip -s 5
http_access deny concurrent_browsing

The error:

FATAL: Bungled /etc/squid/config/squid.conf line 19: acl
concurrent_browsing max_user_ip -s 5

Is max_user_ip dropped or replaced or 3.4 has a bug?


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