On 22/12/2013 3:22 p.m., flypast wrote:
> Hi Markus.
> my proxy hostname is 
> [root@proxy01 squid]# hostname -f 
> proxy01.deeplayer.com
> I use the CLI below to create the keytab. 
> msktutil -c -b "CN=COMPUTERS" -s HTTP/proxy02.deeplayer.com -k
> /etc/squid/squid.keytab --computer-name proxy02 --upn
> HTTP/proxy02.deeplayer.com --server dc1.deeplayer.com --verbose --enctypes
> 28
> Cld u pls help to confirm my CLI is ok. 
> My DC (dc1.deeplayer.com) is windows 2008 R2 at 2003 functional level.

As Markus earlier email said, this will only matter if the browser
config panel is configured with the *string*  "proxy02.deeplayer.com" as
the name of the proxy being connected to.


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