Hi Eugene,

Most of the debug comes from my functions. Can you set the ldap debug in support_ldap.cc to -1 ?


    * Initialise ldap
   ldap_debug = 127 /* LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE */ ;
   ldap_debug = -1 /* LDAP_DEBUG_ANY */ ;
   /*ldap_debug = 0;*/
   (void) ldap_set_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &ldap_debug);

This will give you a full ldap debug trace and may provide more information. But as I said it is a complicated combination of Kerberos, SASL and OpenLDAP.


Happy New Year

"Eugene M. Zheganin" wrote in message news:52c0f9e8.7050...@norma.perm.ru...


On 29.12.2013 18:59, Markus Moeller wrote:
I setup a virtual machine with freebsd 10-RC3

$ uname -a
FreeBSD freebsd 10.0-RC3 FreeBSD 10.0-RC3 #0 r259778: Mon Dec 23
23:27:58 UTC 2013
r...@snap.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  amd64

the attached packages and compiled squid trunk.

Although squid does not fully compiled (SQUID_BSDNET_INCLUDES needs to
change include order) and fails in the base code with


the helpers compile fine and when I run ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl
it works with the MEMORY cache.

Yeah, I agree - I myself have a bunch of squids on FreeBSD
10.0-WHATEVER, and most of them work fine, except this one.

I think openldap libraries lack the error handling output, basically
they do two kinds of messages "I did this" and "Oops, something has gone
wrong". I spend serveral hours googling my problem and came to the
conclusion above. I will ask in their mailing list.


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