On 2014-01-24 04:04, Scott Mayo wrote:
Is there some standard that the auth_param basic children should be
set at when Squid is authenticating users?

Mine was set at 5.   I have moved it up some when working with my
slowness issues.  Slowness has pretty much gone away, but I am not
sure if it was that setting or some other things that I did.

I am just curious if the basic children should be close to the number
of users that I have or how I should try to figure that.

Not necessarily. There are a large number of factors involved; ratio of unique to repeat visitors (active user count), latency on the auth verification, whether concurrency is involved, frequency of new validation lookups, TTL of the Squid cached helper results and size of that cached set. Between them these all balance performance vs responsiveness to credential change. It does need to be high enough to service the number of validations per-second that get past those performance tuning parameters.


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