Hi all,

More on this - squid -k parse gives this warning about my
file_descriptors line in squid.conf
WARNING: max_filedescriptors disabled. Operating System
setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) is missing

I've seen in a previous post from Amos that this is an issue. But how
do I fix it? I've got another system with squid3.2 on, which doesn't
have this issue. resources.h looks like it provides setrlimit method,
and that's present in /usr/include... any idea what causes this? I
assume I need a few more headers in there somewhere.

thanks again,


On 31 January 2014 11:35, Mr J Potter <jpotter...@because.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi Eleizer,
> thanks for getting back to me.
> OK - yes. Its a VMWare virtual machine with 2 interfaces - 1 to
> outside world, one with the clients on. Its 2 processor, 4GB RAM,
> Debian wheezy 64bit
> I can't set it up as router only as it isn't a gateway, and I'm not
> keen on rejigging the network to test this, but traffic is likely to
> be ~10-20Mbps when it dies, connections per seconds in the hundreds.
> 'Kills it' is cpu usage hits 99.8-101% and stays there. And it stops
> forwarding requests.
> there is nothing I can see in the logs (3.2 gave a message about file
> descriptors)
> I've been through all this before with s squid 3.2 box, and the
> solution then was file descriptors. I've not set up disk caching on
> this setup (or at least I haven't got a line setting about disk cache
> - does it create one by default?). My next thing to try would be
> adding a disk cache maybe...
> Regards,
> Jim Potter
> BEC Network Manager
> On 31 January 2014 09:58, Eliezer Croitoru <elie...@ngtech.co.il> wrote:
>> Hey Mr,
>> I will might not find the solution in one sec but..
>> What interfaces do you have?
>> What is the network load?
>> Have you tried to use SMP on this machine?
>> In order to analyze the basic traffic size you can use the machine as a
>> "router" only based on linux.
>> This would give you the basic picture of the network traffic load.
>> The basic information is RPS or Connections Per Second.
>> What are the symptoms of "kills" it?
>> If you do have some logs that will describe it will help to see them.
>> Thank,
>> Eliezer
>> On 31/01/14 11:48, Mr J Potter wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to roll out SSLBump internet filtering. I've got it all
>>> working fine under test conditions, but squid grinds to a halt using
>>> 100% CPU.
>>> I've gone through all the comments on this online, and it seems all to
>>> point to file descriptors. (I think I've fixed this proviously by
>>> setting this value with squid 3.2).
>>> In my current setup I don't have any disk cache, and adding
>>> file_descriptors doesn't fix it. It only seems to go when load hist a
>>> certain threshold. It can run fine all day, but when I add more
>>> traffic, it just dies. I.m pretty sure its nothing to do with SSLBump
>>> as I use this server for all youtube traffic via SSLBUmp (its fine)
>>> but when I put everything else through with no SSL bump, the load
>>> seems to kill it.
>>> ... and it doesn't seem to be using the 2GB RAM allocated to it for
>>> cache. the whole machine only uses ~750MB.
>>> Any idea anyone? config files and details below...
>>> thankyou
>>> Jim Potter
>>> BEC Network Manager
>> <SNIP>

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