On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:21 AM, Scott Mayo <scotgm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Scott Mayo <scotgm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have tried quite a few different forms of the following, but it does
>> not work.  I must be doing something wrong:
>> external_acl_type squid_teachers -b "dc=school,dc=org" -f
>> "(&cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h
>> acl teacher_group external teachers
>> http_access deny teacher_group
> I have also tried the following amongst some other things:
> external_acl_type squid_teachers -b "dc=school,dc=org" -f
> "(&cn=teacher)(memberUid=%u))" -h
> acl teacher_group external teachers teacher
> http_access deny teacher_group

And after doing more reading and seeing other examples, I really think
this should take care of it, but it still does not work.

external_acl_type squid_teachers -b "dc=school,dc=org" -f
"(&cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h
acl teacher_group external teachers teacher
http_access deny teacher_group

If I understand correctly, the "teacher" from the external "acl
teacher_group" should replace the %g from the external_acl_type.  If
the user is in the group "teacher", it looks like they should be
denied access in the above example, but they are not.

Thanks again for any input.

Scott Mayo
Mayo's Pioneer Seeds   PH: 573-568-3235   CE: 573-614-2138

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