On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Carlos Defoe <carlosde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/KnowledgeBase/QueueCongestion
> You're probably using aufs, those messages are normal.

Yes, just changed that yesterday.

> On the restart log, I never saw the AuthUserHashPointer ones, but
> since squid exits and starts normally, I don't think that is a
> problem.

Okay, thanks.

> I was going to ask how are you checking your free memory, but I think
> you just figured out that you have plenty of memory.
> I looked quickly to your conf on the other message, and seems that
> you're using a very small cache_mem. With 8GB, you can increase that
> to at least 2 GB safely. The hot objects will be kept on RAM, thus
> reducing the disk activity and speeding your proxy.

Thanks, I was wondering about making that larger and if it would be
okay.  No one suggested it on that other post, so I figured I best
leave it where it was.  I'll increase it some tomorrow.

Scott Mayo
Mayo's Pioneer Seeds

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