On 19/02/2014 11:49 p.m., Tobias Dinse wrote:
> Hi all, 
> currently I have some troubles with my Squid3 Proxy Server. I cant open a few 
> Websites over the Proxy. I always get TCP_MISS/000. 
> I already tried dns_v4_first on as Solution (found it on the Web) 
> Squid 3.1.20 
> Debian 7.3 
> access.log: 
> 1392802859.330 1229 192.168.xx.xx TCP_MISS/000 0 GET 
> http://www.buerohandel.net/ - DIRECT/www.buerohandel.net - "Wget/1.13.4 
> (linux-gnu)" 
> I can open the Website without Proxy Server and the DNS Server works fine. So 
> I think it couldnt be an ISP problem. Any Idea? 

Please try installing the package from the Debian 7.4 (Wheezy).

1. edit sources.list to set distro to "wheezy"
2. aptitude update
3. aptitude install squid3
4. undo the edits to sources.list
5. aptitude update

(Or you might consider a full upgrade to the current stable Debian
release. IMO 7.4 is the most all-round reliable version they have
released in the last 10 years.)


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